Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Smear Tactics via Clinton Campaign

Prior to choosing the Democratic Candidate I would support, I sent friend requests to all of the front runners on MySpace. Hillary, John, and Barack. Since, I have become a member of Team Obama, I never went back and deleted the remaining candidates from my friend's list. From time to time Hillary's campaign will post a bulletin for all their friends to see. Tuesday evening was no different. The bulletin below was posted that night. I've seen the shirt before. It's sold on popular politically incorrect t-shirt sites like Cult Classic T's and Retroduck. The shirt however is not affiliated with the Obama campaign. I don't like, how that explanation was conveniently left out of the information posted by the Clinton campaign. Subtle and not overt. Room enough for denial without truly being seen as a liar, but we know the intent. I'm sick of the Clinton smear tactics and even sicker of the poor little me show that is continuously put on. From tears to cries of unfairness. What will be next? Check the post sent below, share your thoughts and ideas.


This is the kind of sexism that needs to be stopped. Sexism that is masked as some kind of joke or meant to be light hearted. I don't find this funny and I don't know how anyone could wear a shirt like this and call themselves a Democrat. Sadly Sexism is still alive in politics

Thanks to Bil from Bilerico for bringing this to my attention

On a lighter note, take a moment and write an email to Nancy Pelosi and share with her your feelings for Hillary and why you think Hillary should be President.

An endorsement from Nancy Pelosi would really help the Hillary Campaign. Word has it she is on the fence and I thought we could take this chance to share how we feel about Hillary with Nancy Pelosi.

Click Here to Email Nancy Pelosi

Let's show Hillary that we have her back -- make an online contribution today.


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