Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Morning After

I have been M.I.A. lately. We're working on getting another blog started over at Wordpress and this one has kind of taken a backseat to that. It's rough to sit down and share my thoughts on Tuesday's primaries. I like every other Obama supporter in America had a jolt of reality last night. Hillary is playing hardball. She says one thing and does another. It's about the people but she will stop at nothing to win the nomination for her own reassurance not the people of the United States of America. Barack Obama is well positioned at this time. In order for Hillary to gain the Democratic nomination she will have to use every dirty and underhanded trick in the playbook. She's not above it and we all know that she is more than willing to use them, but what will happen to the Democratic party. What will happen to America. Again, we will see confirmation that its a power trip. It's not about what we want at all. It's not about making things better for the future of our children. It's about who can gain bragging rights for another four years. Now, as she playfully tosses around, adding Senator Obama to her ticket as second chair. His supporters are supposed to retreat quietly into the shadows and support her campaign. I cannot and will not. Come November, if Senator Obama is not the Democratic nominee, I will write in his name, but I will not support him on Hillary Clinton's ticket. She represents everything that is wrong with our nation. I've been reviewing other sites this morning. Reading news stories on Yahoo and CNN and one thing sticks out to me. Where there is Barack, there is Michele. She is supporting him in the background and the forefront. Where there is Hillary, there is Chelsea, or the "token" congressional member smiling for the cameras. Barack Obama represents unity. He's committed to this campaign with his family. Hillary is alone, with Bill out doing the dirty work. I guees its an attempt to distance herself from the scandal that comes with her husband. It's not going to happen. The picture is plain as day and this Democrat will not support you in November. In fact, should she gain the nomination, I may have to reconsider my party affiliation. I think I've outgrown the democratic label.