Monday, February 18, 2008

It's Getting Personal And I Don't Like It

The bulletin below was posted by the Clinton campaign last night. My problem with the Obama campaign. Last week there was a bulletin post with this shirt.

The post contained the subtle implication that men including Obama were urging other men to choose a man over a woman. I've heard this slogan since I was teenager in various different forms. Its not new for this campaign and its certainly not anything that Senator Obama would approve or condone.

Then I logged on this morning and caught the latest post.

More implications. Obama supporters are deranged and have a messiah complex when it comes to the senator from Illinois. I tend to overanalyze situations and this one was no different. Reading between the lines its almost as if Obama supporters are being compared to the extreme religious zealots who go on suicide missions and blow up others because they have no clear sense of reason of who and what they support. We've been transformed into these mindless zombies running around chanting "Yes We Can." I don't know about anyone else but I have complete sense and I am no where near mindless. I support Senator Obama because for once a candidate has inspired me to action. Whether it's something as simple as posting a blog or forwarding an email. Making phone calls from my home. Taking a moment to clarify with others who have been falsely informed that Senator Obama is Muslim and refuses to pledge allegiance to the American flag. I'm slaying nonsense daily. This bulletin is no different. When is the last time we've seen the youth of this country, excited about something other than a celebrity, rock star, or new movie. Right now across the country, regardless of gender, religious, or ethnic backgrounds there are youth 18 -24 energized and excited about this election. Suddenly, politics is cool again.

I like to think that Senator Obama has a lot to do with that. This election is historic. We've got two possible firsts that could occur. A woman in the White House or an African - American in the White House. We've got two candidates with strong platforms that are very similar but there's a real and undeniable difference between the two. One candidate will stop at nothing to sway the votes in her campaign's direction and the other possesses an integrity that cannot be denied. Senator Obama is presenting real solutions to real problems. At the same time he is encouraging individual involvement in the govermental process. Much like a past president that is still admired today, when he echoed the phrase, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

I'm not looking for a Messiah. I have one of those already. His name is Jesus and I would never put a man on his throne. I'm not looking for a savior. I'm looking for a president who is ready to cut the b.s. On day one he's ready to work hand in hand with the people of this country. No more red and blue. Republican and Democrat. President, senators, representatives, and voters working together to restore our country. To heal the hurt that has come from over twenty three years of divison.

So I resent this bulletin posted by Hillary's campaign and I'll go on record right now that should she win the democratic nomination, I cannot and will not support her for president. I simply cannot. Not because I will be a sore loser, but because the way she is conducting her campaign indicates to me the way she will run this country on day one.


My problem with the Obama Campaign
This quote pretty much sums up how I feel about what Obama has done to so many of my friends.

"Everywhere I went on Super Tuesday, I ran into Obama supporters, who were literally running around in circles and screaming "Yes, we can!" with glazed looks in their eyes. At best, it was embarrassing, but it also felt–deranged. I would love to be inspired by a candidate, and feel wildly excited and so forth–but, not to the point of losing reason. Surely, there is something to be said for dignity? Call me crazy, but I want an adult to run the country. A sensible one." (from TheStranger Blog)

And this blog is everything that scares me about the Obama Campaign.

This blog really shows how crazy and out of control this Obamania has gotten.

I am not looking for a savior
I just want a leader to turn around this country, end this war, and fix our economy.
Hopefully people will wake up and start to see the truth behind all the hype and realize that Hillary is the real deal. Hillary is ready to take on McCain and ready to get things done.

Help Hillary win the upcoming Primaries

Hillary needs your help. Obama has alot of money and can run alot more commercials.

Take a Moment and Donate to the Hillary Campaign
Send out a bulletin and email to your friends inviting them to donate.