Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday Morning : Weekend Round Up

Friday, seems like it happened a month ago. So much to cover where do I start?


Got Robbed!!!!!!!!!!!! I find it funny that all of the major acting awards went to Europeans, not an A-Merry-Can in the bunch. Still Ruby Dee is a legend in theater, film, and activism. At 83, she is a woman I still admire and respect. This is what Ruby Dee had to say to the New York Post about her Oscar Nomination, "I've never been nominated for an Oscar before. I've never even been to the Oscars before. "I've been around forever... When I began, black people weren't considered mainstream enough for an Oscar. "So, in the habit of diminishing expectation, of not being included, for a long time I didn't even feel connected to Academy Awards. "But somewhere inside my bones I felt, if I didn't die too soon, something spectacular somehow might happen to me."


Get somewhere and sit down!!!!!!!!!! I watched the debate on Thursday night and like many others viewed Senator Clinton's final statement as one of pending concession. Then comes Saturday and she attacks Obama like a pitbull who hasn't eaten in a week. Pointing her finger and crying shame on you that evoked images in my head of the massa's wife chastising the house negro who didn't serve the fried chicken while it was still hot. Shame on him, shame on you Senator Clinton for flip flopping from gracious to indignant to down right bitch mode. Your current behavior will not do much to correct the view of women in politics. There is a way to be effectively angry and you have not accomplished that with this latest attack.


Please, not again Ralph. Many people say it was Ralph Nader's run for presidency in 2000, that cost Gore the election. I think Nader's run coupled with the Rovian tactics used by the Bush campaign cost Gore the election. Now in 2008, he chooses to run again. I have a problem with this, The Green Party, who Nader is often associated with, has a total of five candidates running for the presidential nomination for their party, including Cynthia McKinney. Why does he feel the need to throw his hat in the race. On Meet the Press, he stated it was because the true issues that the American people face are not being discussed. Fine. Can you not be an advocate without further splitting the votes? Honestly, we do not need another four years of a Republican candidate with a woody for war.


Minister Louis Farrakhan has endorsed Barack Obama's presidential campaign. I can't wait to see how his opponents spin this one.

Happy Monday. I am patiently waiting for Tuesday night's debate on MSNBC, are you?